Signing MOU between NUCT and Algebra

Prof. Ahmed Al-Salaymeh, Dean of the National University College of Technology – Abu Alanda, expressed his gratitude and appreciation to the International Labor Organization (ILO) for its support and funding for the skills development program “Applications of Artificial Intelligence in Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy”, which will be held by the University College on its campus on 4/29/2023. This came during the signing of the agreement with the strategic partner, Eng. Ahmed Al-Tawafsha, General Manager of Algabra Company and the college, in the presence of Eng. Osama Al-Adwan, director and partner in the company, Dr. Walaa Al-Smadi, Director of International Projects and Scientific Research office in the college, Dr. Mahmoud Abu Zaid, Assistant Dean for Academic Affairs, and a number of directors of departments in the college.
Prof. Al-Salaymeh added that the college has received this project out of (3) international projects that will be funded by the International Labor Organization (ILO). He stressed the importance of collaborating together with the Algebra Company, a leading company in this field to make the project a success in order to establish future projects in the college funded by the International Labor Organization (ILO). The Dean added that such courses come to serve the Jordanian labor market, and that (45) students will be trained, divided into three categories: The first: fresh graduate students or in their final year at universities. The second: diploma students. Third: Students from the local community with high school diploma or less. The training will be free and funded by the International Labor Organization (ILO), and will end with field training in one of the specialized companies or institutions. The duration of the training is 100 practical and theoretical hours over the course of 3 months for the top 10 participants. As for Eng. Ahmed AlTawafsha, General Manager of Algebra Company, he expressed his happiness in the partnership with the University College in this. The project was funded by the International Labor Organization (ILO), and he praised the pioneering role played by Prof. Ahmed Al-Salaymeh, Dean of the University College, in the energy sector at the local, Arab, and international levels. After that, Eng. Al-Tawafsha reviewed the steps that the company will take for this course, including preparing a training material on artificial intelligence, and cooperating with the college in training students on solar energy technology and integrating it with artificial intelligence, and installing smart meters in the college as part of training students, development, and sustainability. The company achieved great successes during the year 2022, including bringing in investments of nearly one million dollars, in addition to excellence in the Jordanian market by providing energy management solutions in several sectors such as factories, banks, and hypermarkets. During the year 2023, the company is looking forward to expanding in neighboring markets, such as the Saudi market, as the company has opened its second branch in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. It will also work to develop energy application to become more specialized, add additional features, and provide reports that conform to local and international specifications and standards in the field of energy and sustainability.

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