Call for an external evaluator for the INNOMED Project

In the framework of Erasmus+ project “Boosting Innovative Solar Energy Technologies and Applications in Mediterranean Countries Education (INNOMED), the consortium is currently looking for an external evaluator of the project:

Activities and Meetings

The 3rd management meeting for the Erasmus+ Project “INNOMED” (Grant Agreement No. “101092041”), was held at the University Cadi Ayyad, in Marrakech Morocco from from 21 to 22 of February, 2024.

Objective of Innomed:

The objective of this project is to enhance collaboration between companies and higher education institutions, promote innovation in solar energy education, advocate for climate change prevention, and strengthen socio-economic development. This will be achieved through the development of courses on solar energy applications and technologies, as well as the implementation and operation of solar energy systems using adaptive teaching and learning methods.


We are excited to announce the launch of INNOMED, a groundbreaking project that aims to develop a diploma in solar energy that utilizes cutting-edge artificial intelligence technology. The project officially commenced on January 1st, 2023, and represents a major step forward in the field of renewable energy education.