The Renewable Energy, Energy Efficiency and Artificial Intelligence Course continues its activities at NUCT


The activities of the skills development program course entitled “Applications of Artificial Intelligence in Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy,” which was opened by Prof. Ahmed Al-Salaymeh, Dean of the National University College of Technology in Abu Alanda, at the beginning of this month, and which is organized by the college on its campus in cooperation with the strategic partner Algabra Company and with the support and funding of the International Labor Organization, continues.
Three categories of students participate in the course:
First: Students who are fresh graduates or in the final year in universities.
Second: Diploma students.
Third: Students from the local community with high school diploma and below.
The activities included a number of practical and theoretical lectures, where Prof. Ahmed Al-Salaymeh participated in the lectures until yesterday, where he presented a training lecture on renewable energy, on wind energy Dr. Moutaz Hamdan, on photovoltaic energy presented by Dr. Hussein Al-Daoud, on geothermal energy and hydroelectric energy by Dr. Abdul Rahman Al-Azzuni, and the lectures branched into a set of topics related to energy and solar energy Engineer Bilal Munther, and about wind energy Engineer Alaa Bani Issa, and bioenergy for Eng. Esraa Sublaban, and solar thermal energy Eng. Moath Maqbala and Eng. Kholoud Hijazi, and energy storage for Dr. Mahmmoud Abu Zaid and Eng. Heba Abu Tayeh, and the components of the electric power market for Eng. Sarah Qutaishat.
It is worth noting that the preparation of this course was contributed by the International Projects Office in the college, represented by the director of the office, Dr. Walaa Al-Smadi and faculty members in the college, and that the duration of the course is (100) practical and theoretical hours. Moreover, the course will end with field training in one of the companies and institutions concerned over a period of 3 months for the best 10 participants and ends with employment for the best (5) participants.

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