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The dissemination materials for the INNOMED project have been designed, but printing is pending approval from the European Union. The materials include brochures, leaflets, notebooks, and a logo for the project.

The brochures and leaflets provide an overview of the project, its objectives, and its expected outcomes. They showcase the expertise and experience of the project partners, highlighting their contributions to the project. The notebooks will be used as promotional items, with the project logo prominently displayed on the cover. These notebooks will be distributed to project partners, stakeholders, and participants in project events.

The project logo itself is a key element of the dissemination materials. It was designed to reflect the project’s objectives and its focus on solar energy and artificial intelligence. The logo will be used on all project materials, including presentations, reports, and publications.

Once the materials are approved by the European Union, they will be printed in large quantities for distribution to stakeholders and the wider public. The design and printing of these materials will be a significant milestone in the project’s progress, marking the beginning of a concerted effort to communicate its goals and achievements to a wider audience.



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