Sunday 08/20/2023 – In the presence of His Excellency the former Minister of Agriculture, Dr. Sufyan Sultan, the President of Palestine Polytechnic University, Dr. Amjad Barham, and the Vice President of the University for Planning and Development, Engineer Ayman Sultan, a workshop was held, where His Excellency the former Minister of Agriculture gave a brief explanation of the directions and work of the Ministry of Agriculture in The field of smart agriculture and the use of technology in agriculture.

The project director, Professor Dr. Nabil Al-Joulani, gave a general presentation about the AgroTec project in terms of the idea, goals, expected outcomes, and the local and international partners from the European Union in the project. The importance of the workshop and its goal, which is to work and network with the local community, companies, and local and regional organizations in the field of agricultural technology, were reviewed. And the extent of the benefit that will accrue to the private sector through their involvement and partnership in the project. He also presented a presentation of the stages of development in the project and what was accomplished during the past seven months of the project’s life, which extends from 1/1/2023 to 12/31/2025.
In addition, 3 scientific lectures were presented in the field of agriculture, focusing on the idea of the project, as follows:
- The role of modern technology in agriculture and agricultural pest control.
- The impact of climate change on the agricultural sector and the importance of using modern agricultural technology to mitigate the effects of climate change on agriculture.
- Modern methods of marketing in the field of agriculture.